Friday, June 12, 2009

Blog #7

Oh hey, I'm back! Yeah, I was out for a while, but I'm back now, and that's what matters! Let's get back on topic now...


Anyone who can't properly use headphones. I mean, are they really that hard to use? You just plug them in, set them at the correct volume, and listen to music. But, no, some douchebags just HAVE to go the extra mile and turn up their headphones ALL the way and wear them around their neck. Usually I don't care, because I'll have mine in. However, if I don't, it's a nightmare. Some people use a playlist, and listen to different songs. Keyword: SOME. Some buttmunches just HAVE to keep playing the latest Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, 3OH!3, or some other crappy mainstream artist's song. I don't care how much you have to "Turn Your Swag On", I don't want to hear it. And if you tell them to turn it off, you know what they'll do? They'll pause the song, say "What?", you repeat the question, and they say "Whatevah" and continue doing it. I just want to bring a steel pipe on the bus and do some batting practice with their heads. Every single MP3 Player or iPod comes with a pair of headphones, and if they don't, they are cheap! Just for the love of god, plug them in!!!

And that's it for Today, kids! Thanks for reading!

I'm Sean, and it's great to be back.

1 comment:

  1. Just pointing out, dear sir, that your genius is extraordinary. Well done.

