Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blog #3 (and video)


People claiming they are original. Whether it be styling your hair in a way that nobody in your school has done, saying stuff nobody you know has done, or just trying to change your actions and mannerisms in general. Truth be told, you AREN'T original. You aren't the first person to die your hair black with pink streaks. You aren't the first person who has said "Sweet Balls!". You aren't the first person to "Pimp Walk" with money in front of a retirement home, (even though that would be hilarious). It's nearly impossible to be original with all these people on this planet. Here is a video to help you out

Thanks to Rhett and Link for creating this video.

Anyway, if you want to do something TRULY original, it's quite simple. BE YOURSELF. You do not have a clone, so you being you, is technically original. I'm so sick of people complaining about somebody "stealing" something they thought they created. So maybe if you wear stuff YOU like and your friends may not, you'll be original. Making your hair look like you walked through a paint factory during an earthquake isn't original. Smoking cigarettes because your friends do isn't original. Listening to crappy music isn't original. Starting a band with your friends that plays songs that you wrote IS original. Making something by yourself IS original. Writing a book IS original.

That's it for now. Until next time,
I'm Sean and start pulling your ear.

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